The British are Savoie Mont Blanc's number 1 foreign winter visitor. Yet they only rank 3rd in Haute Maurienne Vanoise resorts, behind the Belgians and Dutch.
"We have plenty of room for growth in the British market. Our human-scale resorts, which have always been committed to sensible development, are ideal destinations for new customers looking for skiing and snow activities in an unspoilt environment. Our resorts' highly competitive offers should also attract British skiers looking for excellent value for money," explains Jérémie Silva, Director of the Tourist Office. "What's more, some of these foreign customers no longer systematically use tour operators or all-inclusive services such as "Chalet gathered". The Tourist Office therefore has an important role to play in raising the profile of our resorts in this market".
The British: Savoie Mont Blanc's #1 foreign winter guest...
...but only 3rd in Haute Maurienne Vanoise
The Haute Maurienne Vanoise Tourist Office has been committed for many years to developing the international local clientele and is further strengthening its actions on the English market for the coming years:
- Recruitment of a press attaché based in London and specifically dedicated to the British media
- Participation in the "Winter launch" press event in London on September 12, 2023 (around ten journalists met, spin-offs in progress, including an article in the Financial Times published on October 14, 2023, highlighting Val Cenis as one of the top 20 resorts in the world)
- Tourist Office stand at the "Snow show" trade fair for the general public in London on October 21 and 22, 2023
- Press reception by the Sunday Times in mid-January 2024
- Organization of a press trip dedicated to the British media in March 2024
These actions follow on from operations already carried out by the Tourist Office (press receptions for the British media in 2022 and 2023, with articles published in the Guardian or the Sunday mail) or by the ski lift companies (Val Cenis stand at the Birmingham shows in 2022 and 2023, partnerships with Tour Operators, etc.).